KCC LogoKillearn Community Council

About Us

Who We Are

Chair: Elizabeth Jones
Secretary & Vice chair: Fiona Rennie
Treasurer & website: Andrew Donaldson
Members: Michael Bowdidge
Heidi Bryce
Susie Henderson
Hilary McGregor
Calum McLean
Youth Members: Lachlan Mackenzie

Community Councils were established in Scotland in 1973 to consult their local communities and represent their views to local authorities and other public bodies, on how services are delivered and other matters of concern locally. As a statutory body, we have a formal constitution. Killearn Community Council area includes Killearn village, Boquhan and the surrounding countryside. There are neighbouring Community Councils in Strathblane, Croftamie, Fintry, Balfron and other villages.

What We Do

  • Scrutinise planning applications and comment where there is a public interest. We have the right to be consulted on planning matters, but decisions are taken by Stirling Council.
  • Request repairs to roads and pavements. We have surveyed the condition of all roads and pavements in Killearn, and passed the information to Stirling Council, who take the decision on priorities for repair.
  • Deal with environmental topics such as grass cutting, wildflower meadows and flooding.
  • Make representation on local services such as bin collections. We also campaign on important local issues, such as broadband coverage in Killearn, the derelict site of the former Killearn Hospital, public transport and road safety and speed limits within the village and around the Primary School in particular.
  • Respond to Scottish Government and other Public Consultations. Recent examples have been comments on the Scottish Government Community Empowerment Bill, including the right of a community to buy land and buildings, the proposal for Low Emission Zones in cities and the Local Development Plan proposed by Stirling Council.

What we can't do!

  • Report every pothole that appears, and every case of dog fouling. Residents should report these and similar issues direct to Stirling Council by email info@stirling.gov.uk or use the dedicated links on Stirling Council web site. Alternatively, telephone Stirling Council at 0845 277 7000.

    Unlike the Community Council, residents have the right to raise formal complaints with Stirling Council if they are not satisfied that reported issues have been dealt with in a satisfactory way.

How We Do It

We hold ten meetings a year. Meetings are open to all local residents and members of the public, who are invited to raise matters of concern, voice opinion and contribute to discussion.

If you wish to raise any matter or ask a question, you can contact us or also raise the matter in person at the meeting during the Question Time agenda item.

We can only function as a community council if we are aware of the community’s view of a topic, so we rely on your communication or participation.

Where We Do It

The map below indicates the Killearn Community Council area. Please note that it can only be taken as a guide and that accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No, we don't know why it sticks out into the Stockie Muir like that, or why it goes so far past Balfron either.