KCC LogoKillearn Community Council

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Next Meeting: Wednesday 20th September 2024, 8:00 p.m. This will be a hybrid meeting – in person in the Garden room at Killean Village Hall and online via Zoom. Please contact us at ContactUs@KillearnCC.org.uk by Tuesday 19th September if you wish to join the meeting or for more information.

Do you know of something in the community which Cala could help fund?

As part of the development taking place on the old hospital site in Killearn, Cala are keen to support the village community through their community pledge. This is over and above the developer's contribution, which goes directly to Stirling Council.

They have donated to Strathendrick rugby club to provide new strips for the women's and girls' teams, there is a commitment to help with the active travel path between the site and the village, and a sculpture by Rob Mulholland (with creative input from Balfron High School pupils) will sit at the site entrance.

They are keen to donate to the village hall, as a way of benefitting multiple community groups, and possibly Colourful Killearn also.

There will be a small fund remaining, which can be given as one-off donations, or as annual gifts for each of the three years Cala will be on site. It would be great to hear ideas of how these additional donations could best be used, and if you know of a project in need of a boost, or of one struggling to start for lack of funds, please let us know and we will pass the ideas on.

The budget is limited, and we don’t want to raise unrealistic expectations, but your views would be very welcome. Cala would ideally like to finalise their pledge plan by early August, but there may be options to ask for further support over the course of the development.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts – please contact us at ContactUs@KillearnCC.org.uk.

Local Place Plan

Do you live in the Killearn Community Council Area? (Check!)

If so, we need your views on what makes it a good place to live in, and what could be improved.

To let us know, please fill in the survey at OurPlace.scot: https://www.ourplace.scot/tool/start/killearn-adult-pop.

This is the first step in putting together a Local Place Plan to guide how we would like to see the area develop over the next 10 years – more information coming soon.

Latest News

  • Stirling Council's Community Development News (CDNews) Bulletin for July is available from the Community Development news bulletins page on their website. This issue includes: Inspiring Communities Awards, Celebrations in Fallin, Summer Safety; Charity Register Changes; Consultations; Funding, and more.

  • Update 135 (May) is available.

  • The Police report to June is available.

  • The Planning schedule for May-June is available.

  • Road closure. Below is a notification of the closure for maintenance of the Blane Bridge between 16th June and 25th August.

    The COUNCIL made The Stirling Council (B834, Blanewater Bridge, nr Killearn) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024 under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) on 24-5-24.

    This Order will close:

    B834 From its junction with the A809 to its junction with the A81 from 16-6-24 until 25-8-24 to facilitate rebuild / refurbishment works.

    Alternative Routes:

    • Cars and LGVs – A809, A811, A81 and vice versa
    • HGVs – via A809, A811, A875, B834 and vice versa

    A COPY of the Order can be provided by e-mailing traffic@stirling.gov.uk.

  • We've been contacted by the network provider SP Energy Networks (who are definitely not the same thing as Scottish Power). Anyone living within southern central Scotland, north west Wales, Merseyside, Cheshire and north Shropshire are their customers.

    They're looking to ensure vulnerable customers are added or updating their detail on the Priority Services Register. Once added this will ensure that during a power cut that they can tailor the support needed during this period and pro-actively keep customers up to date where possible. We have a leaflet on who is applicable to be on the register. The register applies to households and not the individual, so they can take details for anyone in the residence all under one name (the person filling out the form).

    Secondly, we have a leaflet promoting their additional services, which all come free of charge. They've partnered with various organisations that will help make customers' homes as warm and as energy efficient as possible, to help reduce the rising costs of energy. They can also offer home fire safety checks, offer carers support and also look into income maximisation through benefit checks, this has in some cases led to backdated payments.

  • Councillor Gerry McGarvey is available to try and help with any concerns or issues Killearn residents may have regarding Stirling Council Services.

    Gerry is happy to meet in-person and face-to-face, by zoom, or chat by telephone. To arrange a time to meet with one of your local Councillors:

    Email: mcgarveyg@stirling.gov.uk
    Tel: 01786 233 122

  • Review of Proposed Path between Former Hospital Site and Killearn

    The proposal for the path connecting the development at the former hospital site and Killearn is part of application 20/00098/FUL (viewable at Stirling Council's planning portal). KCC considers that there are problems with the proposed route and is looking into an alternative.
