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Next Meeting: Wednesday 18th December 2024, 8:00 p.m. This will be a hybrid meeting – in person in the Garden room at Killean Village Hall and online via Zoom. Please contact us at ContactUs@KillearnCC.org.uk by Tuesday 17th October if you wish to join the meeting or for more information.
- Adopted minutes of October meeting
Local Place Plan
We are now at the stage of seeking more specific information about issues which have shown up from the first survey. With apologies about asking for another survey to be completed, please see our Local Place Plan page for details of how to take part. Thanks again!
Latest News
The Police report to November is available. This includes advice on scams and cybersecurity.
The Planning schedule for October-November is available.
Digital Voice. Awareness still seems low about BT's transition from the original landline telephone system to their replacement service delivered over the Internet. BT call this service Digital Voice. If you are unsure of what this is, or what the implications of the changeover mean for you, we have an updated comprehensive report from Doug Ashworth. In it, Doug runs through the issues involved in detail. There are links to much more information if needed. Doug has also produced a document with details of the area's most commonly used phone/Internet suppliers and their arrangements for phone provision after the changeover.
This information can also be accessed via the Digital Voice section on our KBG – Killearn Specific Information page
Update 138 (October) is available.
Stirling Council's Community Development News (CDNews) Bulletin for September is available from the Community Development news bulletins page on their website. This issue includes: Dementia Events and Training, Gauging Flooding Levels, Energy Learning Network, Employability day, Absent friends events, Consultations; Funding, and more .
We've been contacted by the network provider SP Energy Networks (who are definitely not the same thing as Scottish Power). Anyone living within southern central Scotland, north west Wales, Merseyside, Cheshire and north Shropshire are their customers.
They're looking to ensure vulnerable customers are added or updating their detail on the Priority Services Register. Once added this will ensure that during a power cut that they can tailor the support needed during this period and pro-actively keep customers up to date where possible. We have a leaflet on who is applicable to be on the register. The register applies to households and not the individual, so they can take details for anyone in the residence all under one name (the person filling out the form).
Secondly, we have a leaflet promoting their additional services, which all come free of charge. They've partnered with various organisations that will help make customers' homes as warm and as energy efficient as possible, to help reduce the rising costs of energy. They can also offer home fire safety checks, offer carers support and also look into income maximisation through benefit checks, this has in some cases led to backdated payments.