Home Page
Next Meeting: Wednesday 19th March 2025, 8:00 p.m. This will be a hybrid meeting – in person in the Garden room at Killean Village Hall and online via Zoom. Please contact us at ContactUs@KillearnCC.org.uk by Tuesday 18th March if you wish to join the meeting or for more information.
- Agenda
- Unadopted minutes of February meeting
Local Place Plan
Our second phase survey has now closed and has supplied us with a lot more information. We are currently working on the first draft of the Local Place Plan and hope to be able to make it available for comment soon.
Latest News
Stirling Council's Community Development News (CDNews) Bulletin for March is available from the Community Development news bulletins page on their website, which also includes all past bulletins. This issue includes: My Place Awards, Community Link Officers Film, Mental Health & Distress Calls, Visitors Levy Consultation, Wellbeing Workshop, No Smoking Day and more.
The Planning schedule for January-February is available.
The Police report to February is available. As a trial, the report covers the whole of the Forth and Endrick area rather than just the Killearn area.
Digital Voice. The latest information (January 2025) from Doug Ashworth:
- Doug's article about Digital Switchover for the Killearn Courier
- BT's presentation about Digital Switchover
This information can also be accessed via the Digital Voice section on our KBG – Killearn Specific Information page
A PDF version of the presentation on Planning given by Sharon Marklow at the January 2025 meeting is available.
Update 140 (December) is available.
Big Conversation 2025-2026
Stirling Council's consultation on their budget planning for the next financial year has started. Please see the full details of proposals and complete the survey on their website by 2nd February 2025 – everyone is strongly encouraged to take part.
Please note that this is a totally separate thing from KCC's own Local Place Plan consultation!
We've been contacted by the network provider SP Energy Networks (who are definitely not the same thing as Scottish Power). Anyone living within southern central Scotland, north west Wales, Merseyside, Cheshire and north Shropshire are their customers.
They're looking to ensure vulnerable customers are added or updating their detail on the Priority Services Register. Once added this will ensure that during a power cut that they can tailor the support needed during this period and pro-actively keep customers up to date where possible. We have a leaflet on who is applicable to be on the register. The register applies to households and not the individual, so they can take details for anyone in the residence all under one name (the person filling out the form).
Secondly, we have a leaflet promoting their additional services, which all come free of charge. They've partnered with various organisations that will help make customers' homes as warm and as energy efficient as possible, to help reduce the rising costs of energy. They can also offer home fire safety checks, offer carers support and also look into income maximisation through benefit checks, this has in some cases led to backdated payments.